TV VIEWING HABITS IN BRITAINScreenHunter_21 27-Mar-12 11.33.gif

First Certificate in English: Frequency
Gap-fill exercise

© 2012 The English Zone

Fill the gaps in this report with one of the words or phrases given:
every then hardly often most all
Twenty years ago, families in Britain used to watch the same programmes on TV together the time. Certain well-known programmes were national events and it was common for people to discuss them exitedly at school and at work the next day. This kind of thing ever happens these days. With the arrival of new technology, people have got used to having more and more channels to choose from.
Nowadays, as as not families watch different programmes in different rooms. Now and they might watch something together, but of the time they don't. However, so often a programme is made that appeals to people of all ages.